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6.2 Engage in professional learning and improve practice


Participate in learning to update knowledge and practice, targeted to professional needs and school and/or system priorities


Professional development is an amazing tool that teachers have to gain new and insightful ways to improve their teaching and engage the next generation of learners.


“Ongoing professional development keeps teachers up-to-date on new research on how children learn, emerging technology tools for the classroom, new curriculum resources, and more. The best professional development is ongoing, experiential, collaborative, and connected to and derived from working with students and understanding their culture.” (Edutopia, 2014)


As a profession, we are exposed to so much professional development; however implementation of that professional development is the trick. Not all professional development applies to myself or my methods however those that do apply I will use as learning tools for my practice. One of the PD's I have attended was a PD in the Pub about classroom dynamics ran by Glen Pearsall which was fantastic and I have attached my notes as evidence. Such activities as 'Race the Bell' will be a great learning tool in novel or film study in English classes; however in can be applied to any method.


After a PD, it would be advisable to ask yourself "What does this activity contribute to my professional knowledge and how will I apply that knowledge to my practice to supportive learning of my students?" (VIT, 2014). This way you can use the PD to your greatest benefit.

Above is link to Full Evidence for Standard 6

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